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Major Changes

User Join / Leave Notifications

Enabled Templates

Both the user join and user leave notifications have been updated to allow using {user} inside of the message, to insert the users tag/mention automatically.

Your current config will be updated to prepend "{user}, " to your current user join message as the bot will no longer automatically prepend this message.

User Leave Message

You can now configure the user leave message.

You may also use {user} in the message one or more times, to automatically insert the name of the user who left. Syntex

///To enable feature with a customized message, use:
bot, enable leave #Channel {user} has left the server!

///To enable feature with a default message, use:
bot, enable leave #Channel

///To disable feature
bot, disable leave

///To specify the channel, without running through the setup, use:
bot, set channel USER_LEFT #channel

This feature was requested by @Ciro via discord. Issue:

User Join Message

You may now use {user} in the join message to automatically tag the user.


///To enable feature with a customized message, and set the channel, use:
bot, enable greeting #Channel Welcome to the server {user}!

///To enable feature with a default message, use:
bot, enable greeting

//To enable feature, set the channel, and use a default message, use:
bot, enable greeting #Channel

///To disable feature
bot, disable greeting

///To specify the channel, without running through the setup, use:
bot, set channel USER_JOIN #channel

This feature was requested by @Naxos84 here:

Setup Dialog updates

  • The dialog can now configure which wars are enabled, and will enable all of them by default.
    • Thanks to @Spinolli for pointing this out in this issue:
  • The dialog can now configure the portal channel, which is a new feature.
  • The dialog does a much better job of going "back", as it now remembers your previous actions properly.
  • Added the ability for the dialog to enable the feature to clear the war channel.
  • Add the ability to set a custom message for when a user leaves (new feature)

To invoke the setup, use:

bot, setup
These features were requested by myself, here:

Configurable Portal Channel

You can now specify a seperate channel for portal notifications. When your config is updated, this new channel will default to your war channel, if you had portal notifications enabled.

bot, set channel PORTAL #Channel
Issue was requested by @lendsi via discord.

Minor Changes

Time Zones

I have noticed a lot of people are confused by the times specified for each war. I have updated the bot to display all times as UTC/GMT to attempt to reduce the amount of confusion.

Since, discord does not seem to have a easy method for me to obtain the current time zone of your discord server, this will have to suffice for now.


The libraries were updated to version 2.0.1 Changelogs are available here:

Bug Fixes

Specific Wars

By default, all specific wars were disabled unless the proper commands were entered to enable them. * Thanks to @Spinolli for pointing this out in this issue:

New Commands / Updated Commands

Added a command to test the portal messages

bot, test portal

This command will test your portal message, and alert you if there are any configuration issues.

Last update: December 17, 2022