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Major Changes

Minor Changes

Clear Messages

The clear messages functionality will no longer delete pinned messages, or do an extended delete by default.

You may add the -pinned, or -extended flags to customize this behaviour.

//Delete ALL messages in the channel.
bot, clear messages -pinned -extended

//Delete only non-pinned messages from the last 14 days.
bot, clear messages

//Delete ALL non-pinned messages
bot, clear messages -extended

//Delete ALL messages from the last 14 days.
bot, clear messages -pinned


WarBOT features three ways to remind you now.

First, you can have the bot remind you in the current channel, and tag you.

bot, remind me 5m My message goes here
If, the bot does not have permissions to send to that channel, it will instead remind you via DM.

Second, you can have a remindar sent via DM.

bot, remind dm 5m DM My message goes here

Last, you can have the bot send a message to the channel, without tagging you.

bot, remind here 5m My message goes here

Bot Status

WarBOT will now update his status to let you know how long until the next prep peroid, or how long until war starts.

Discord Bot List

Warbot will now update its guild count every couple hours on the discord bot list.

Bug Fixes

Bot, not working for new guilds

In version 3.8.1, a critical issue

Clear Messages

The clear messages functionality was still deleting pinned messages, despite being told not to.

This issue has been resolved.

Reported by Frito on the Warbot dev server.

New Commands / Updated Commands

Last update: December 17, 2022